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Criminal records are back - we're clean

Published on July 13, 2005 1:32 PM | Comments

It seems we received our "rap sheet" from the feds back in record time (about 9 days after we mailed it off to West Virginia). We got them back so fast that we are actually putting off going back to the consulate in Philadelphia to turn our visa application in until Monday, July 18. The finger print cards came back stamped "No Record" for my wife and myself. We didn't receive anything back for the kids so we are working under the assumption that getting them finger printed was not necessary - we could not get an answer from anyone on that or find the information on line anywhere so we erred on the side of caution by doing it. Hopefully once we turn the application in we will actually receive our visas back within the week, meaning that we will be pretty much ready to go on the legal side. We have an apartment, and our 7 year has a spot in school (more on that soon). Now we just need plane tickets, a school for our 4 year old, and to move out of apartment in St. Thomas!


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